クリエイティブ・リトアニア: バーチャルアイランド




Creative Lithuania: Virtual Island


Since its inception in 2017, Creative Lithuania has fostered a unique cultural connection between Japan and Lithuania. As Lithuania’s key partner in Asia, Japan has seen a growing number of diplomatic and cultural exchanges with Lithuania, including high-profile visits and the reappointment of Lithuania’s Cultural Attache in 2022. This event, a collaboration between creative minds from both nations, celebrates this special bond through art, design, and now, virtual reality.

In 2024, Creative Lithuania is elevating the conversation with a special focus on VR. Virtual reality, an emerging medium in art, culture, and education, is transforming how we explore and experience creativity. This year’s exhibition, Virtual Island, features 11 award-winning VR works, each offering a window into the vibrant landscapes, cultures, and artistry of Lithuania. From the rich tapestry of Lithuanian folklore to explorations of national heritage, these experiences draw visitors into immersive new worlds.


NGO Kultūrinės ir organizacinės idėjos (KOI)


メイン・プロジェクト・コーディネーター。KOIは、東アジアとバルト諸国との文化の架け橋となることを目的とするリトアニアの非営利団体。KOIはリトアニアにおける日本文化運動をリードする団体の一つであり、パイオニアでもある。毎年、バルト諸国最大の日本文化祭であるnowJapanを主催。また、リトアニアのクリエイティヴィティを称えるマルチジャンルのフェスティバル「Creative リトアニア」を日本で開催している。2008年以来、KOIは45以上のプロジェクトを完了し、6つの継続的なイニシアティヴを立ち上げ、120人以上の国際的なアーティストを受け入れ、82,000人以上の来場者を魅了してきた。

Organized by

NGO Kultūrinės ir organizacinės idėjos (KOI)


KOI is a Lithuanian non-profit that focuses on building cultural bridges between East Asia and the Baltics. KOI is one of the leaders (and original pioneers) of the Japanese cultural movement in Lithuania. Every year, KOI hosts nowJapan, the biggest Japanese cultural festival in the Baltic region. KOI also runs Creative リトアニア, a multi-genre festival in Japan celebrating Lithuanian creativity. Since 2008, KOI has completed over 45 projects, launched 6 ongoing initiatives, hosted 120+ international artists, and attracted 82,000+ visitors.